Sanitary waste refers to all the waste generated in healthcare facilities, which can be in any state.

Within these wastes, you can find liquid fixatives and developers, formaldehyde and xifol (used to preserve organs), and products used in certain machines.

Wastewater from sanitary waste is characterized by:


  • Organic matter in solution due to blood, alcohols, high concentrations of ammoniacal nitrogen, and products from chemotherapy.
  • High levels of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD).
gestion residuos sanidad

solution ZEWATECH


Vacuum evaporation allows for the removal of all residues from aqueous solutions generated in the healthcare industry.

ZEWATECH is the ideal solution to achieve economic and environmental objectives, offering wastewater treatment that produces high-quality distillate, which is then returned to the production cycle for recycling, while the residual concentrate is treated externally.



esquema evaporador vt-bc para la gestion de residuos

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