Water is the most important raw material in cosmetics and perfumery. It serves as the fundamental and most widely used excipient due to its solvent power, and it is present in the majority of products, often as the primary component.

Wastewater from the cosmetics industry is characterized by:


  1. Elevated levels of Total Suspended Solids (TSS).
  2. High Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) levels.
  3. Fats, oils, detergents, surfactants.
  4. Residues from cleaning processes, aqueous chemicals, dyes, and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs).
evaporador vt-bc para la gestion de residuos

solution ZEWATECH:


The cosmetics industry generates large quantities of water from the cleaning of reactors and materials used in the manufacturing process.

With ZEWATECH vacuum evaporation technology, industrial waste contaminated with its own products can be effectively treated since they cannot be directly discharged without prior treatment.

Furthermore, it allows for the production of products with precise compositions and qualities, such as the extraction of extracts, essences, and fragrance concentrations.


esquema evaporador vt-bc para la gestion de residuos

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