The chemical and fertilizer industries play a crucial role in providing materials derived from natural resources for the human population. However, process wastewater from these industries often contains contaminants harmful to health and should not be reintroduced into the water cycle.

Wastewater from the chemical industry is characterized by:


  • High levels of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD).
  • Suspended solids (TSS).
  • Dyes, pigments, fertilizers, explosives, adhesives, organic and inorganic chemicals, polymeric materials, and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs).



These types of wastewater must be disposed of in accordance with strict legal discharge requirements. This is one of the reasons why these industries prefer to treat their wastewater rather than dispose of it.

However, these waters often have a high concentration of organic compounds and contaminants, making proper treatment crucial for reuse or discharge without harming the environment.

ZEWATECH is the perfect solution for effectively treating these waters, as it produces high-quality distillate that can be returned to the production cycle.


esquema evaporador vt-bc para la gestion de residuos

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