In numerous processes within the food industry, such as the concentration of fruits, dairy products, and, in general, mixtures of food items containing a high water content, it is imperative to remove as much water as possible. This is essential both for transportation and for preservation purposes.

Each of these processes needs to be examined individually, as it is vital to maintain the organoleptic properties of each product.

evaporador vt-bc para la gestion de residuos



Recycling the raw materials used in any process satisfies these two factors because it allows for the reuse of these raw materials, reducing the primary resources used as well as the amount of waste generated.

Due to the significant interest it generates in various sectors, this process is of vital importance for industries such as food and beverages, cosmetics, pharmacy, and perfumery.

This raw material can be obtained in different forms, such as:

  • Dehydrated and/or concentrated.
  • Used to produce extracts and/or essences.
  • Generating powder or crystals.


esquema evaporador vt-bc para la gestion de residuos

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