Leachate treatment

Leachate treatment


One of the significant problems associated with landfills or areas where waste accumulates is the leachate produced by the runoff of rainwater as it percolates through solid waste.

Landfills can have a negative environmental impact if not properly controlled and treated.

The leachate from municipal landfills is characterized by having:

  • Dissolved organic matter, inorganic macrocomponents, heavy metals, and xenobiotic organic compounds.
  • High levels of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD).
  • High conductivity (due to chlorides, sulfates, and phosphates).
  • Elevated levels of total dissolved solids (TDS) and total suspended solids (TSS).
  • Nitrogen derivatives.
  • Oil and grease.
    evaporador vt-bc para la gestion de residuos


    Conventional landfill treatment is becoming less effective due to the variability in the characteristics and concentration of contaminants in wastewater.

    ZEWATECH evaporators have advantages over other technologies (membrane, chemical treatment, etc.) as they can handle a wide range of flow rates and variability in waste.




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